
Arkiv för ‘Reflektioner’ Kategori

Mer åt höger än vänster

torsdag, juni 7th, 2007

….så har man varit och hälsat på hos Lotta och givetvis hittade jag ett test om hjärnhalvor(varför är det så roligt att fylla i tester???). Ni blir väl knappast förvånade över mitt resultat. Mitt huvud lutar tungt åt höger, medan vänstra hjärnhalvan ekar ödesmättat av tomrummet. Resultatet är klockrent för en som har adhd, kan man säga iallafall……..thihi!

Har du likvärdig fördelning som mig är jag MYCKET intresserad av att komma i kontakt med dig, vi skulle nog ha en del gemensamt!!

Brain Lateralization Test Results

Right Brain (76%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain.
Left Brain (20%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain

Left brain dominant individuals are more orderly, literal, articulate, and to the point. They are good at understanding directions and anything that is explicit and logical. They can have trouble comprehending emotions and abstract concepts, they can feel lost when things are not clear, doubting anything that is not stated and proven.

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what’s not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Overall you appear to be Right Brain Dominant


According to Darwinian theory, optimal evolution takes place with random variation and selective retention. The evolution savvy individual will try many different approaches when faced with a problem and select the best of those approaches. Many historical intellectuals have confessed their advantage was simply considering/exploring/trying more approaches than others. The left brain dominant type suffers from limited approaches, narrow-mindedness. The right brain dominant type suffers from too many approaches, scatterbrained. To maintain balanced hemispheres, you need to exercise both variability and selection. Just as a company will have more chance of finding a great candidate by increasing their applicant pool, an individual who considers a wider set of options is more likely to make quality decisions.

Vill du göra teste själv? Sidan hittar du här:  Similar Minds     

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